Exploring the Ancient Legends of Rozafa Castle

Rozafa Castle, located in Shkodër, Albania, is a stunning fortress that stands on a rocky hill overlooking the city and surrounding landscape. But beyond its impressive architecture and breathtaking views, the castle is also steeped in ancient legends and folklore that have been passed down through generations.

One of the most famous legends of Rozafa Castle is the story of Rozafa, a young woman who was walled up alive in the castle’s foundations in order to appease the spirits and ensure the castle’s longevity. According to the legend, three brothers were tasked with building the castle, but their walls kept collapsing overnight. In a dream, a mysterious voice told them that in order to complete the construction, they needed to sacrifice the first woman who brought them lunch the next day. The brothers were horrified at the idea of sacrificing their wives, so they agreed that the first woman to appear with their lunch would be sacrificed.

Rozafa, the wife of one of the brothers, was the first to arrive with lunch, and she bravely accepted her fate in order to save her newborn son. As she was walled up in the foundations of the castle, she requested that her right breast be left exposed so she could continue to feed her son. To this day, visitors to Rozafa Castle can see a small hole in the wall that is said to be Rozafa’s breast.

Another legend associated with the castle is the story of the Three-Pillared Tower. According to this legend, the castle was constructed with three towers, each built by one of the three brothers. The youngest brother, however, was tricked by his two older brothers into building his tower out of hay, while they built theirs out of stone. When a violent storm came, the two stone towers were unharmed, while the hay tower collapsed. The youngest brother, feeling betrayed and heartbroken, threw himself off the castle walls.

These ancient legends and stories add an element of mystery and intrigue to Rozafa Castle, making it not only a historical site but also a place of myth and folklore. Visitors to the castle can explore its ruins, take in the panoramic views, and immerse themselves in the rich history and legends that surround this ancient fortress. Whether you believe in the tales of Rozafa and the Three-Pillared Tower or not, there’s no denying the magic and mystique that fills the air at Rozafa Castle.

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